in conclusion, i agree with your views in your two comments. the problem is that you shit on anon, and he really did not deserve it. you took anon, who is a clueless virgin, and turned him into a sex obsessed virgin. don’t get me wrong, i don’t give a flying fuck about anon and his feelings. i am simply being his defense

April 14, 2010 12:16:00 AM EST Dave said... lol. 5 min apart back to back rebuttals to raine. i did not see your post. if i did i wouldn't have bothered defending you. as you did yourself

April 14, 2010 12:24:00 AM EST Lady Raine said... I don't see what Dave OR either "Anon" found confusing or unfair about my comments.

I simply said that women are NOT attracted to men who are obsessed with sex, care too much about sex, and are focused on her "sexual" attributes.

That is true and if you don't believe that, it explains why men have problems getting laid and women don't.

Second, the commenter talks about taking care of his urges by using "ugly or unattractive women" for sexual release so he can land the "better" woman later?

Wow, talk about karma. That commenter is basically using and throwing away women who are people just like him to "practice" for a better woman and he wonders why he's alone? Well maybe it's because he uses and abuses women for practice.

So basically he mistreats women who aren't "10's" as if they aren't human beings....when in truth, they are the female equivalent of himself (not the top notch, top tens, number 1 hottie).

That guy deserves to get used and thrown away because that would only be fair karma for him, so let's forget that guy altogether.

As for the sex obsession thing....I figured it was pretty obvious (to most people) that if a guy is SO into getting sex from a particular woman that he has to masturbate AND "hide it" when he's around her....he's WAY too focused on sex in general and is probably a sex addict.

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