A look of pain crossed his face; I’d crossed the line. Again.

“Girlfriends are a lot of work.”

I could see he’d clearly been talking to someone — his dad? Pity to be so brainwashed at just 17!

“Yeah, but it’s nice to have someone special, don’t you think?”

“Maybe,” he said, and then he disappeared into his room.

Girlfriends and boyfriends are a lot of work. And high school is the first real testing ground of relationships; it’s when many teens have their first kiss, the first time they have sex, the first time that rush of hormonal feelings may or may not be more than a crush, their first experience with devastating heartbreak.

What’s a parent’s role in teenage love?

I thought back to me at The Kid’s age; I had been girlfriend to a few boys by then, and had lost my virginity. I don’t know if he has, but I hope so (safely, of course). And back then the boys with girlfriends had cars, and even though girls are growing up in a world in which they start off their career making as much or more than their male peers, and may eventually be the breadwinners, I think that’s still true today; a guy needs wheels.

I’ve watched as some of my friends struggled with their teen’s love interests; some write if off as a sweet passing phase — it’s just “puppy love” — and others see it as interfering with their studies. No one has looked at their high schooler’s love affair as something that may lead to marriage one day — although it certainly could.

Me? I’m just hoping The Kid decides a girlfriend is worth the hassle.

Of course, for all I know he might decide a boyfriend might be more worth the hassle. That will be a different discussion …

What’s a parent’s role in their teen’s love life? Do you take your teen’s relationships seriously? How did your parents deal with your love life as a teen?

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Last-modified: 2021-05-18 (火) 21:15:26 (1086d)