And, really, what kid even wants to think about his or her parents having sex? It’s just one big eww!! Most kids think they’re parents stopped having sex when the last kid was born, and they didn’t enjoy it anyway. So if I were still married, my sex life most likely even be an issue.

But when you’re a divorced parent and dating, it’s hard to hide what’s going on, beyond just the noisy sex thing. Having a man who’s not quite our dad, but more than a family friend shuffling over to the breakfast table in his jammies, bed-hair and morning woody — or that look on a guy’s face that only comes from having taken care of that — feels a little too in your face. And there’s always the chance that a kid’s going to accidentally see a boyfriend or girlfriend naked.

Of course, Trent knows what’s going on. But, I don’t feel like I have to fill in the details for him

Is it OK for a boyfriend/girlfriend to sleep over when you have kids? Does it matter how long you’ve been together or how old the kids are? If one of your parents did that while you were young, how did you feel about it?

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Last-modified: 2021-04-17 (土) 00:25:20 (1118d)