I agree with the above comments (several times!) that mate selection is crucial. To hear others talk about their failed marriages, I wonder if they are cut out for it, would they be better off without marrying at all?

Does marriage feel like a life sentence? Nope.

How do the ravages of time affect your feelings about your partner? No, not at all. Yes, I see the lines on her face, and the sag, but she keeps her figure up, and is aging far better than most of her friends. She’s more sexy now than when we were dating, because I know she knows what gets me hot. Mind you, we don’t have sex nearly as often (especially pregnant), but it doesn’t seem to be as important as it used to be.

54Snow Flake February 15, 2013 at 10:18 pm “I doubt many guys consider it a depreciating asset because passionate love ends. In general, I don’t see many guys seeking passionate love – at least until they actually experiencing it.”

What do you mean?

55Thomas February 16, 2013 at 4:16 am Kids. Raising children in a stable household with the woman who gave them to you is, as far as I’m concerned, the only reason any man should ever consider any attachment to any woman as potentially a lifetime commitment. Minus that, nothing any woman ever had or ever could have measures up to the entire world of abundance of potential alternatives out there.

56Annie February 16, 2013 at 5:35 am I’ve struggled a lot with depression over the years and when feeling particularly down (which is a polite way of saying suicidal) over my last birthday my husband (along with our children) gave me a card telling me all the ways they appreciate me.

My husband gets all his dinners cooked, packed lunches made, all the adult attention he desires, the house cleaned, his clothes washed, ironed and put away, his own personal cheerleader and encourager.

And money whenever he needs. I used to be his boss at work and earned considerably more than him. Knowing that one day I hoped to get married and have children all that money I earned was squirrelled away in savings accounts. When he lost his job due to redundancy I paid the mortgage with my savings. When his old car finally broke down for good I bought him a new one in cash.

We are a partnership and both of us are considerably better off financially, emotionally and physically together than apart. It saddens me when people cheapen marriage and say it has no value. It has immense value.

57OTC February 16, 2013 at 8:13 am Marriage *can* have immense value for some. They’re probably right that it has no value for them.

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